Life Lessons

Archit Rathod,lifelessonslearningexperience

Life Lessons with Archit


This is a straightforward post where I frequently add in lessons that I learn from my daily life. There are lessons that I learnt from a mentor, a teacher, may be a friend or a family member. There will be stories and experiences that may be relatable or not. I like observing, learning and noticing things around me and I believe that there is a lesson in everything that happens around us. There instances where I learn something from a stranger or a kid or may be a movie. Enough of the bookish words lets start with the first lesson.

Lesson 1: The 2 minute Rule

I procrastinate alot! I mean alot. Yaar kal karte hai na! And ye kal kabhi aata hi nhi jabtak deadline nhi aati. (Let's deal with this tomorrow! And this tomorrow never comes until we hit the deadline.) This is one of the worst habit I beileve someone can have. I have been trying to get rid of it for a long time now. I read about the 2 minute rule in a book called "Atomic Habits" by James Clear. The rule is simple, if a task takes less than 2 minutes to complete, then do it now. This rule has helped me to get rid of the procrastination habit to some extent. I have been able to complete small tasks that I would have otherwise procrastinated. This rule has helped me to get started with the task and once I start, I usually end up completing it.

Lesson 2: Don't touch it twice

This is another lesson that is very important to me when it comes to dealing with procrastination. I am a web developer their are a million projects (hypothetical but do check my GitHub (opens in a new tab) later.😜) that I start and never complete. Their endless tutorial and courses that I have started but not completed. This where this rule comes in, Never touch something twice. It states that starting a task and not completing it increases the completion time, thus making you feel the task is lengthy which in turn makes you procrastinate and before you realize you are in an endless loop. Thus, take on a task and fininsh it right then and there.

Lesson 3: Speak less, Listen more

I am a shy person. Half of the lesson comes to me very natural. But

(in progress...)

MIT © Archit Rathod.