Life Lessons

Archit Rathod,lifelessonslearningexperience

Life Lessons with Archit


This is a straightforward post where I frequently add in lessons that I learn from my daily life. There are lessons that I learnt from a mentor, a teacher, may be a friend or a family member. There will be stories and experiences that may be relatable or not. I like observing, learning and noticing things around me and I believe that there is a lesson in everything that happens around us. There instances where I learn something from a stranger or a kid or may be a movie. Enough of the bookish words lets start with the first lesson.

Disclaimer: Words below are my understanding of the lesson, I might be wrong or right. I am still learning and will continue to learn. I am not a teacher or a mentor, I am just a student of life. Enjoy 😊

Lesson 1: The 2 minute Rule

I procrastinate alot! I mean alot. Yaar kal karte hai na! And ye kal kabhi aata hi nhi jabtak deadline nhi aati. (Let's deal with this tomorrow! And this tomorrow never comes until we hit the deadline.) This is one of the worst habit I beileve someone can have. I have been trying to get rid of it for a long time now. I read about the 2 minute rule in a book called "Atomic Habits" by James Clear. The rule is simple, if a task takes less than 2 minutes to complete, then do it now. This rule has helped me to get rid of the procrastination habit to some extent. I have been able to complete small tasks that I would have otherwise procrastinated. This rule has helped me to get started with the task and once I start, I usually end up completing it or atleast working on it for a longer time.

Lesson 2: Don't touch it twice

This is another lesson that is very important to me when it comes to dealing with procrastination. I am a web developer their are a million projects (hypothetical but do check my GitHub later.😜) that I start and never complete. Their endless tutorial and courses that I have started but not completed. This where this rule comes in, Never touch something twice. It states that starting a task and not completing it increases the completion time, thus making you feel the task is lengthy which in turn makes you procrastinate and before you realize you are in an endless loop. Thus, take on a task and fininsh it right then and there.

Lesson 3: Speak less, Listen more

I am a shy person. Half of the lesson comes to me very natural. But that not how you be a good listener. I read this in phsychology that you can be a good therapist just by listening to peoples problems. You don't have to say anything, just listen. This is one of the most powerful lesson I have learned and started to practice. Just listening to someone who is trying to vent out or share their problems can be a great help to them. Listening to them can make them feel that they are being heard and understood. This way I have noticed that the person whos is sharing the problem starts to think more clearly. And manier times they come up with the solution themselves. This is a great way to help someone without actually helping them. 😊 Well that's just the one side of the lesson. Listening also helps the listener. You absorb so much thoughts, energy and knowledge from the speaker without even saying a word. Listening to a good speaker can help you develop personal and professional skills that are more valued in the real world. I have personlaly experienced the benefits of practising listening more and speaking less. It helped me be more confident and develop peoples skill.

Lesson 4: Be Kind to everyone, for their are those who suffer in silence

I am person, who when meeting new people or making new friemds would assume that the person you are meeting is the best in the world. I would in my brain always fight for that person, that what they do or say is right. I will always try be very kind and generous towards them. This helps me get to know them better and further helps me evaluate them. When I start to know them better, I can then decide if I want to continue the friendship or not. This has helped me to make some great friends and also helped me to avoid some toxic people. Just being kind is one part of the lesson. Being kind even to the strangers is important. As we dont know what they have went through or what their past was or what the present holds. They might be suffering from something silently and never show it. Just being kind to them can make their day and I promise they will remember you for the rest of their life for your kindness. This is another self taught lesson where I have experienced strangers to be nice and kind to me. I once got lost in a city and a stranger helped me find my way back. I was so grateful to him that I still remember him and his kindness. This is the power of kindness. It can make someone's day and also make you feel good about yourself.

Lesson 5: The art of letting go

Well, this is purely my understanding of the lesson, and this how I will put it. I believe there are two worlds, one where you give and one where you recieve. The world where you give is the world where you let go of things. It is the world where you have personal emotions and build relationships. This is where you let go of your ego, your pride, your anger, your jealousy, your hatred, your grudges, your past, your future, your expectations, your desires, your dreams, your love, your hate, your everything. You let go of everything that is holding you back. You let go of everything that is stopping you from being happy. You let go of everything that is stopping you from being you. While the world where you recieve is the world where you accept things. This is the world where you have professional emotions. Here you need to accept the reality, you accept the truth, you accept the facts, you accept the people, you accept the situation, you accept the failure, you accept the success, you accept the love, you accept the hate, you accept the life, you accept the death, you accept the everything. You accept everything that is happening around you. You accept everything that is happening within you. You accept everything that is happening to you. You accept everything that is happening for you. You accept everything that is happening because of you. I honestly don't know how to conclude this as I am still learning this lesson. I am still learning to let go of things that are holding me back. I am still learning to accept things that are happening around me. I am still learning to be happy.

Lesson 6: The power of manifestation

The power of manifestation is something that I haven't experienced yet but I have read and heard alot about it. So thought of adding it here. This is something that I am exploring and just started to practice, so I cannot think of any personal stories of experiences to share. But overtime I have realized that the power of manifestation is real. (Story coming soon..) It is the power of your thoughts and beliefs. And thus an important skill to develop.

(... to be continued)

Lesson 7: Keep your parents involved in your life

I am a single child to my parents and just like any other parents, mine too find solace in me. They have done more than what they could to give me the best of education, best clothes and the bestest of lifestyle I can think of. Throughout my life, they have been my biggest supporters, critics, mentors, idols and what not. Through my ups or my downs they have seen it all. My tantrums, my achievements, my failures all has been witnessed by them. But sooner or later as we all grow up, especially during our teenage we start to distance them. We start to think that we are more mature and cool. And we suddenly feel they are always wrong. Then is the time when we start to keep them away from all the things happening around us be it friends, career, love etc. But as we grow more and more we soon realize that they are the ones who will be constant in your life. They will always be there for you. And this exactly the time when you realize that all those past years you were keeping your life secret from them who loved you the most. Well uptil now all I talked was a background that I wanted to buid for the lesson I have learnt in my life. One should always remember that whatever you do in your life, your parents should be the first one to know. Always keep them in the loop. Keep them involved in your life. So I will share my story here. I currently a MS CS student at UIC and living away from my parents and home. But whatever small or big decisions I take, I make a point in atleast asking for their opinions. And eventhough sometimes thay may or may not have a suggestion, but involving them in my life, brings so much joy and happiness to them that it cannot be expressed. I have seen them being so happy and proud of me.

I love you both mom and dad. 😊

MIT © Archit Rathod.