Cover Image for Leveraging CNNs and Ensemble Learning for Automated Disaster Image Classification

Leveraging CNNs and Ensemble Learning for Automated Disaster Image Classification

Selected at ICSISCET 2023

Soft Computing Research Society (SCRS)


Natural disasters act as a serious threat globally, requiring effective and efficient disaster management and recovery. This paper focuses on classifying natural disaster images using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). Multiple CNN architectures were built and trained on a dataset containing images of earthquakes, floods, wildfires, and volcanoes. A stacked CNN ensemble approach proved to be the most effective, achieving 95% accuracy and an F1 score going up to 0.96 for individual classes. Tuning hyperparameters of individual models for optimization was critical to maximize the models' performance. The stacking of CNNs with XGBoost acting as the meta-model utilizes the strengths of the CNN and ResNet models to improve the overall accuracy of the classification. Results obtained from the models illustrated the potency of CNN-based models for automated disaster image classification. This lays the foundation for expanding these techniques to build robust systems for disaster response, damage assessment, and recovery management.


Archit Rathod

Veer Pariawala

Mokshit Surana

Kumkum Saxena
